One should know about legal report writing as a law student, scholar, or advocate. This article will show you how to write a legal piece of report. A legal report is crucial because it shows the facts and explains issues in a legal matter. Law students often find themselves in internship positions. They must write and submit a legal report to their respective teacher to complete their internship. Sometimes, lawyers must also use legal report writing skills to gather exclusive sets of information from any facts or legal cases.
Expected Sections in Legal Report Writing
A legal report should contain the following sections:
- Introduction;
- Description of Duties;
- Skills Learned;
- Relevancy to the study area;
- Impact and Benefits Learned from the study;
- Observations;
- Recommendations;
- Conclusions;
- References; and
- Acknowledgement;
In this part, one should mention the place where he was appointed as an intern. A short description of that place should also be mentioned, as should the working environment and number of employees. If the place of internship is a law firm, then one should also mention the area of practice, such as criminal law, civil law, or any other branch of law of that respective law firm. The report should also contain the services they provide. It should make your legal report writing better.
Description of Duties
In this part, one should describe his duties. In the case of an internship, the internee is assigned various tasks. He must complete those tasks. Suppose an internship is conducted by a law firm on the topic of “Land Vetting.” in that case, the trainer may appoint the task of screening some documents relating to vetting, or he may give the task of ‘legal opinion writing’ or, it can be a mortgage deed writing. Whatever the task is, it has to be done by the trainee.
Skills Learned
In this section, one has to write about those skills that he learned during his internship period. It can be anything relating to his internship topic. If you are doing an internship in a law firm and your topic is about land vetting you will learn about land vetting, mortgage, and power of attorney deed writing. You can also gain knowledge about Khatian, sale deeds, agreement of sale deeds, and many more.
In that case, you will have to write about those things in brief. You can write your report either on a day-to-day basis or on a topic-to-topic basis. If you learned about 5 things in the internship period, you have the liberty to write down those learnings into 5 headings. In the case of our example, it will be as such —
- Land Vetting
- Mortgage Deed Writing
- Power of Attorney Deed Writing
- Technique of Identifying Khatian, sale deeds, and agreement to sale deeds.
On the other hand, you can add all of your learnings to the internship report on a day-to-day basis. Suppose, on the first date, you learned about land vetting, second day about mortgage deed writing, and on the third date you learned about preparing sale deeds and legal opinion giving. You have to write these learnings not in a separate heading as I mentioned above. Rather, you have to write those learnings under the headings of First Day, Second Day, and Third Day. Under the headings of First Day, you put about the learnings of land vetting only, and in the case of Third Day, you put both the learnings of preparing sale deeds and legal opinion giving.
Relevancy to the Study Area
How your learnings from the internship period are relevant to your previous study has to be mentioned in this section. Suppose, you studied land law in your LL.B. program and in your internship, you learned about land vetting. So, your learning is relevant to your previous study. If you are doing an internship in a criminal law firm and learned about cross-examination techniques, you can relate it to your previous study as you studied criminal law there.
Impact and Benefits Learned from the Study
How the study and learnings during the internship will benefit you and the impact of these learnings in your future has to be mentioned in this section. Does the learnings do any favor to you and the society? If it does, then mention those under this heading.
In this section, you have to write about the conditions of your internship place. You can write both the good and bad things about the place. You can mention their strength and weakness also. If you mention its strength then you have to explain how you think that a particular thing is its strength. In case of mentioning weakness, you have to suggest the way, how they can get rid of their weaknesses.
If you have any recommendations relating to the facilities, and conditions of the office or internship place you can write them under these headings. You can also suggest to your department how they improve their curriculum by adding or removing something from the internship.
In that section, you can summarize the overall experience, key learnings, and outcomes of the internship. You can also add challenges and achievements. You should mention how it will help you in the future.
If you use any information from other sources such as journal articles, newspaper articles, books, case laws, or legislation you should refer to those in this section.
In your internship journey, you will get help from many people such as your teacher, supervisor, trainer, internship provider, friends, and families. You have to acknowledge the support and help you have.
If you cover all of those mentioned parts in your internship report, then it can be said that your legal report writing will be a good one. You can get a good outcome if you follow this article. I will provide a demo legal report writing to make the above points clear. If your time permits, let’s have a look at the pdf below.